Fear Deliverance
Self-guided deliverance of the soul for freedom from FEAR. Rescue & deprogram the soul fragments that cause a repeated pattern of fear, causing a lack of faith. Fill your mind, will and your emotions with the love of King Jesus ❤️
Deliverance in the privacy of your home
Advocates of Heaven
More Resources For You
Testing the Spirits
Communicating in the Spiritual Realms
Deliverance from Fear - Audio
Contempt of Court Prayer 2.0
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 1 Timothy 1:7
BREAK SOUL TIES with evil doers causing triggers to fear.
Destroy altars, thrones and structures that gave legal right to witchcraft
Deprogram & Disconnect from owners, programmers, traffickers, handlers, etc.
Lock your gates / shut all access points
Receive restitution and restoration in your life
INCLUDED VIDEO TEACHINGS: Testing the Spirits | Communicating in the Spirit Realm | Power of Accusations | How to make effective declarations
INCLUDED DELIVERANCES: Self-guided Deliverance from FEAR in the court of heaven | Contempt of Court 2.0
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 1 Timothy 1:7
The frequency of fear causes electronics to malfunction.
Fear causes us to make bad decisions.
Fear opens the door to more negative emotions: jealousy, anger, shame, guilt, depression etc.
Allergies & sinus infections are usually a result of insecurity & mistrust - leading to FEAR [the unknown | relationships etc.]
Unable to give and receive love.
Breathing (asthma) is directly connected to FEAR (abandonment)
Compromised immune systems - the soul and spirit are fighting for dominion over the body.
AOH, Other Deliverances
Bedtime deliverance prayer for safe, protected and rested sleep. Morning deliverance prayer to cancel spiritual attacks, agreements made by soul fragments and realms accessed/rituals performed while unconscious.
AOH, Live Teaching & Deliverance Opportunities
We are predestined by God to be ONE FLESH